Restoring the beauty In your property, one wash at a time.
House washing is a critical maintenance task that helps keep your property in top condition. Over time, dirt, grime, and other debris can build up on your home’s exterior, leaving it looking dull and unappealing. This buildup not only detracts from your home’s appearance but can also damage its structure if left untreated. We start by assessing the condition of your home’s exterior and identifying any areas that require special attention. Then, we use a gentle yet effective cleaning solution to break down and remove dirt, grime, and other debris from your home’s exterior surfaces, including the siding, roof, windows, and more.
Our house washing services not only improve the appearance of your property but also protect it from damage caused by dirt and other contaminants. Regular house washing can extend the lifespan of your home’s exterior and help prevent costly repairs down the road.
At NorthStarProWash, we take pride in our professional house washing services and are committed to providing our clients with exceptional results. Contact us today to schedule your house washing service and restore the beauty of your home.


A brick house wash can do wonders for the appearance of your home. Over time, dirt, grime, and mold can accumulate on the surface of your brick, making it look dull and dingy. Our pressure washing service uses a specialized cleaning solution and high-pressure water to remove these contaminants and restore your brick to its original beauty. We take care to protect your landscaping and delicate features of your home, so you can enjoy a fresh and clean brick exterior without any damage. Let us bring new life to your home with our professional brick house washing services.

Our vinyl siding cleaning service uses a gentle yet effective approach to remove dirt, grime, and other buildup from your siding. We use specialized cleaning solutions and low-pressure washing techniques to ensure a thorough clean without causing any damage to your siding. Our team takes pride in delivering exceptional results that will leave your vinyl siding looking like new again. Contact us today to schedule your vinyl siding cleaning service.

Stucco is a popular exterior material due to its durability and aesthetics. However, over time, it can become discolored and stained by dirt, algae, and other environmental factors. Our stucco washing services are designed to restore the original appearance of your home or business. Don’t let dirty stucco detract from the beauty of your property. Let us help you restore it to its original beauty with our top-quality stucco washing services.
Frequently Asked House Washing Questions
We understand the importance of protecting your property. When done by experienced and skilled technicians, house washing using appropriate pressure and techniques should not damage your paint or siding. We use a softwashing system that actually uses no high pressure at all, Its the various chemicals we apply through this soft wash system that removes any of that unwanted dirt and grime.
As a professional pressure washing business, we understand that your time is valuable. In most cases, you do not need to be present during a house washing service. We strive to make the house washing process as convenient and hassle-free as possible for our clients. Our team will coordinate with you to schedule a time that works best for you, and our technicians will arrive on-site with all the necessary equipment and supplies to perform the job. However, if you prefer to be present during the house washing service or have specific instructions or concerns that you would like to discuss with our team, we welcome your presence and are happy to accommodate your preferences.
House washing offers numerous benefits, including improved curb appeal, increased property value, protection from damage, a healthier living environment, prolonged lifespan of exterior surfaces, cost-effective maintenance, and eco-friendly cleaning. Regular house washing can help to keep your home looking its best, protect its value, and maintain a clean and healthy living environment for you and your family.